For me, the time of the Little Sun (as the "dark" part of year is referred to within the Celtic Tradition) is a time for focusing within. That is exactly what I did. Now, though, as we move further into the time of the Big Sun, indeed, I am focusing more without. But to what sacrifice? What is being sacrificed within so that I may address the outward?
Indeed, I continue to look within to some degree. Memories long forgotten or tucked away, I have drawn to the surface and am reflecting upon. Yet, if I am honest with myself, I will realize that, truly, it is only surface reflection, if you will. Not the deep introspection that I am accustomed to during the time of the Little Sun.
This, however, is the time for planting seeds. Seeds which, when nurtured, will grow and, eventually, bear fruit. Do I only wish to plant seeds with shallow roots? Or do I wish to plant seeds, whose roots will spread and grow deep? I think I would much prefer the latter, and it is for that reason that I consciously make my decision to flow from the spiritual ebb I have been engaged in. It is time to address and regain balance between the outer and inner once more...
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