Before Hubby left for Afghanistan, I did have difficulties where my heart was concerned. High blood pressure. Given the situation, I'm not surprised that was the area where my difficulties resided. I did get it regulated, though...
When he came back for R & R, all was well. That was until it was time for him to leave, again...
The day after he left, I went to Urgent Care with my eldest daughter. We were both seen and underwent treatment for Strep Throat. I have been sick since. Once the meds were taken, I seemingly succumbed to some sort of summer cold? Still throat problems... coughing... I'm rarely sick.
Now, I don't say all of this for a woe-is-me sort of thing. Rather, I've begun to come to the conclusion that there is more to it than mere physical ailments. I've begun to look at the possibility that my throat chakra is out of whack; the possibility that I'm not speaking my Truth and the possibility that I'm "sucking things up" and not releasing the pent up energy that comprises my truth. As a result, I can feel myself being led back to the path that, admittedly, I have strayed from.
As of late, I've been living my dream, watching as it slowly manifests before me. My dream/goal for my talents of storytelling and writing. It's been a beautiful thing thus far, but has been coming at a price. I've been living firmly in the physical and denying my spiritual nature, and, therefore, my "practices".
I've realized this and am making my way back... slowly, as is usually the case when one deviates from the trail.
I've been being called back, or so I believe... The Universe has been "rubbing my back" and "drying my tears" in the manners that are natural for it.
The other day, my "faery garden" daffodil (a long story for another time) bloomed on the day I needed it most...
The next day, I was visited by a little friend...
Both yellow in color... Yellow (among other things):
"Activates and cheers up depressed and melancholic people. Gives lust for life."Definitely what I've been needing as of late. A bit more research with regard to my little friend, though, revealed a couple more things to me.
"Keynote: Awakening to the Nature Spirits" and "Black and yellow are the colors of the archangel Auriel" ~ Ted Andrews, Animal SpeakSuffice to say that I can see the messages that I'm most needing to hear at the moment, reflected among the Nature Spirits... My vision clearly being confirmed in other incidents... A respite from the Journey has been taken. I'm reconnected... renewed. It's time to begin the next leg of the journey. In it, I know that I'm not alone. Never alone.