Admittedly, I've been really rather disconnected from Self as of late. I've been working to make things better for my family financially here in the mundane. As a result, I've been really quite focused on projects that I have in varying stages of progress. I realized this this morning when a dear friend in one of my spiritual circle asked me if I had gotten of her emails from the past few days. I had to admit that, no I hadn't. I had been checking my emails from my phone and had forgotten to add my spiritual account to it... I went in to 560 emails this morning.
I should realized this sooner, though, as I am starting to feel... Well... "off".
It did not help matters, when hanging out on my mundane account on Facebook, I came across a video about a woman who allowed her boyfriend to torture and kill her son. From that one, I saw one about a woman, who killed her 4 daughters and left them to decompose in her house for at least 7 months.
The mundane is a good place in some instances. It allows me to see my thoughts manifest, which they've been doing quite a bit of lately. I've been feeling as I'm soaring, but, if one does not go back to one's source periodically, one can start to feel detached, and that is when the off-ness begins to seep in, which it has.
With regard to the kids... As terrible and callous as it may sound to some... I still believe that everything happens for a reason.
And... one thing did occur to me this morning... I've been trying to get away from ritual. It always seems so... ceremonial to me, like I'm going through the motions, but I realized that there is room for ritual. I'm not speaking of the bits that I've been trying to get away from, but... every day rituals. I realized that they can help you to remain connected, even when in the midst of a torrent of activity.
This is something that I'm planning to take a closer look at and work to instill more ritual into my day to day life. That way, I can still remain connected, even if it is only in the small still moments.