It is early. Way too early for my taste, really. But there is something to be said for the quiet that can be experienced in morning moments such as these. Indeed, there is hustle bustle as the elder children and my hubby get ready for school and work, but it is the moments prior to the littlest one getting up that I find I enjoy the most. Those are what I consider to be “my” moments, those that I can spend time being with me.
It is much different from evenings after the kids are in bed. While I do enjoy spending the time with Hubby, it is quiet time for “us”, rather than “me”. The energy is different between the two.
So, what do I do with “me” time, you might ask? Well, I sit here at the moment, typing, of course, but I can also listen to the sounds of a brand new day starting. The coffee percolating. The water running as one of the elder kids brushing his/her teeth. These sounds are what herald the beginning of a new work week day.
I feel satisfied now, having a cup of coffee in hand.
Now, there are those that will say that tea would be better for me, and they’re probably right, but there is a certain taste that tea cannot compare. This does not mean that I will not have my tea later because I will. I like it, as well. But in my mind, at least, there’s nothing like a nice cup of coffee in the morning.
Today, if you might have guessed really has no theme, as days past have. Unless, of course, you consider my weekday mornings to be a theme… Really, it is truly nothing more than a note “home” from “the Road”, this journey that I make through this physical incarnation.
With that being said…
It is honestly an… interesting experience to raise a child from infant into an adult. Though, I cannot say that I have yet accomplished the latter, I am able to see the changes that take place in the progression. My eldest… There have been quite a few difficulties with him the past few years with regard to school. He is a very bright child, always has been, but if a subject in school does not interest him, he puts little or no effort into it.
Now, I cannot say that I blame him. His father and I were the very same way when we were in school. ”Bright student, if only he/she would apply him/herself.” Why must learning be about things that others think we need to learn about, rather than what interests us to learn about. Perhaps, if they (whomever decides what it is that we should learn) took more of an interest driven approach to education, we would have more children that not only excelled, but desired to excel. But, that is a ramble/vent for another day…
As I said, though, we had some difficulties with our eldest excelling in school despite being bright. We tried everything. Rewards. Taking away privileges. Switching schools to send him to a Charter school. Homeschooling seemed to work the best, but after a year, we moved to a state where the regulations were more stringent. Not to mention that he wanted to play sports, and the area we moved to is not large enough to have the same sort of recreational services that our previous home had.
This year, though it started out rocky as years past in public school did, I have seen a change. Not only is my son beginning to see some real consequences for his actions, or inactions in this case, but he’s starting to hold an eye to his future. He has formulated a plan for after graduation and realizes that he needs to do better with his grades, if he is going to accomplish what he has set before him.
With this being said, I was really quite proud of him this morning. He is feeling under the weather. A cold that I can hear breaking up. But, despite my assurances that he could stay home, if he needed to, he decided to go to school. He said he has a couple of tests to take today and that he “can’t stay home”. We’ll definitely make sure he gets the rest and down time he needs this weekend, but… I was truly impressed by his actions. My boy is becoming a man…
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