Yesterday was a very nice day. It was one of those days that makes one happy to be alive.
One of the difficulties that I have had in the past was getting past the idea of financial lack in the life of my family. I’ve consciously been working on that, though, and things are really getting quite better on that front.
Yesterday, we decided to treat the family. For some time, I’ve been wanting to get Rock Band. The other night, hubby and I discussed finally doing this since our tax returns came in. In addition to this, we bought a new tv. The last one we bought was about 7 years ago? And the sound was starting to go on the one we had.
It was family night last night. We ordered pizza, played Rock Band for awhile before watching a movie together… It was about the family.
The kids have been real troopers while we went through our financial dry spell. Now that we’re out of it, I thought it was time to do something nice for us as a family, and we all seemed to thoroughly enjoy it. It was a really nice night, following the great day that hubby and I had with our littlest one.
It was perfectly topped, too…
The littlest one stayed up a little late last night. She went to bed when we did. Now, among my gifts is that of clairaudience. I have awoken to the sound of angels singing, but that which I heard last night, topped even that experience. On the monitor, I heard my littlest one singing herself to sleep… That warmed my heart in a way that even I find difficult to describe.
Truly, yesterday was one of those days that truly makes life worth living. Sure, we bought some stuff. Stuff that we really didn’t need, and that even wasn’t what made my day. What made my day was my loved ones. I loved being able to bring a smiles to their face. I loved spending time with them last night, doing things that we all found fun, and it couldn’t have ended more perfectly.
My thanks to ALL that made it possible and manifest! My thanks, appreciation, and love to the ONE.
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