Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Day 14,618 - General Busyness and PVE2010

This weekend past was quite a busy one for the Circle Clan, which is good.  It makes time that Ean is physically away from us go quickly by, while making many wonderful memories with my kids at the very same time.

Beltane was a quiet, private affair for me this year.  I'm planning to go more into detail and muse about them for a submission to Warriors and Kin, though, so I won't do it here.

With all of the busy-ness, I have gotten rather behind, I'm afraid.  So, between catching up on posts, the blogs I follow with Google Reader, and my email, I have my hands rather full this morning.  I did, however, come across something that I had come across on my Blackberry, but wanted to leave until such time as I could give it the proper attention it deserves.

International Pagan Values Blogging and Podcasting Month 2010 is coming up next month.

Admittedly, I haven't been too terribly active within the blogosphere until most recently.  So, I didn't take part in this last year, but I have to say that I'm rather excited about it.  I believe it will give me an opportunity to better solidify within my own mind what my values, not only as a person, but as a pagan really are.  I hope you'll join me, as well as the rest of the participants for it!  It should be quite enlightening for all...


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