Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Day 14,610 - Ebbs and Flows

As of late, I have found that I am very focused upon the outward. My writing, it seems, has finally moved to the forefront of my life. It is a fact that I find I am most pleased about, but with the new steps I'm taking, I also realize that I've rather lost touch with some areas of my life. Namely, my spirituality, which one can easily recognize simply by looking at this blog.

For me, the time of the Little Sun (as the "dark" part of year is referred to within the Celtic Tradition) is a time for focusing within. That is exactly what I did. Now, though, as we move further into the time of the Big Sun, indeed, I am focusing more without. But to what sacrifice? What is being sacrificed within so that I may address the outward?

Indeed, I continue to look within to some degree. Memories long forgotten or tucked away, I have drawn to the surface and am reflecting upon. Yet, if I am honest with myself, I will realize that, truly, it is only surface reflection, if you will. Not the deep introspection that I am accustomed to during the time of the Little Sun.

This, however, is the time for planting seeds. Seeds which, when nurtured, will grow and, eventually, bear fruit. Do I only wish to plant seeds with shallow roots? Or do I wish to plant seeds, whose roots will spread and grow deep? I think I would much prefer the latter, and it is for that reason that I consciously make my decision to flow from the spiritual ebb I have been engaged in. It is time to address and regain balance between the outer and inner once more...


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